Rules of order in Rogue Trader
Rogue Trader Købehavn is a club for its members, run by its members. As such it is our shared responsibility to ensure that the premises and fixtures are treated and left as we wish to receive them.
The club members are responsible for the daily operation of the club. Make yourself aware of where the various objects belong and how our equipment and fixtures operate. When in doubt, never hesitate to ask
Always clean up after yourself. Put the tools/equipment/terrain/books you have used back where you found it/where it belongs
Trash should always go into the aptly placed trash cans - we have separate trash cans for sodas, cardboard and general trash
Terrain is to be handled with care and placed gently back where it was found after used
The kiosk is self service - remember to pay before you leave - unless otherwise noted everything costs 10,- dkk.
Please use the check-off list to remember how much you have consumed - and that you have paid for it
Coffee and tea is free for members of the club
Remember to write in the teamup calendar when you plan to make use of the premises - and note how many you will be if you are attending with other members/guests
As a member of the club you are responsible for opening and closing the premises. That includes turning off the lights, running water, the compressor, light cleaning, closing windows and doors, etc. If there are other members present then make sure that at least one of them is a member before you leave
There must always be a member of the club present when the premises are in use. If in doubt, ask the other people present
Guests are more than welcome! The same general rules apply to guests as to members. Guests pay for a day ticket when they make use of the premises or take part in any club-event.
The first visit for a guest is free - unless they are participating in an event.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask another member or write the board an email at